What’s good to eat?
Kid friendly snacks:
Pretzel Time soft pretzels (frozen section)
Vegan potstickers (frozen organic section )
PB and J
chips and hummus or salsa
Frozen banana or grapes
Tofuttu cuties ice cream sandwiches (organic section)
Cliff bars (organic section)
Cherry kitchen cake or cookie mix (organic section)
Oetkers chocolate frosting (organic section)
Bagels toasted with dairy free margarine
Shaved ice or icees
Cereal with dairy free milk
Oreos are vegan
Dairy free dark chocolate
Dried fruits and nuts
Dairy free crackers and jam
French fries
Not all of those snacks are healthy but they are a small sampling of how many kid friendly easy to have on hand snacks there are.
Happy eating!
Filed under: 2012 Blog: Many posts writen prior to finding veganism, Journal