Since my last post six months ago I have taken two classes- Contemporary Nutrition and Sports and Exercise Nutrition – at Rochester Institute of Technology. I also audited a medical pathophysiology course which focused primarily on diseases of the heart and cancers with relation to food and genetics and the like. I have sat in on numerous other health lectures that were not presented in a vegan setting as well as those that were. And most recently I attended a talk given by Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine.
Between the three classes and my own research and study, with regard to nutrition, I have finally been able to come up with what I have learned thus far is a healthy diet. This isn’t the diet ‘I think’ is healthy. This isn’t the diet thinks is healthy. It isn’t what the media, fads, vegans, vegetarians, health gurus, juicers and labels tell me is healthy. It’s just what is, thus far, my findings. Here you go:
Part One: What not to eat:
#1 For now do not purchase any food that came from a GMO source
At present time the list is as follows: corn, beets, canola, soy, cottonseed, sugar, any sugar ingredient that ends in an ose.
Unless the above ingredients are labeled as organic or, in the case of sugar is labeled specifically as ‘cane sugar’ in all likelihood these ingredients have come from GMO sources. Because the above ingredients may be listed on labels under a multitude of names that sound nothing like their source there are three ways to be 100% sure you have removed GMO’s from your diet: only buy organic* for every single thing you buy and for every ingredient on the list (not very practical), look up each of the above ingredients on a website for persons who have allergies to these foods where you will find a list a mile long for each one of ingredients to avoid (cumbersome), eat whole unprocessed foods.
*remember that the criteria for organic in the United States is that only a percentage of ingredients need to be organic. You can almost always bet the ingredients used from non-organic sources are GMO because those are the most economical. The label must say 100% organic or else it is less than that.
#2 Limit or stop eating rice
Rice has now been associated with levels of arsenic. I am still reading articles about that, and I am still eating rice because I have a lot left to eat. But thus far it seems the best option is to replace it with another grain for now or, if you do buy rice purchase white rice. As well rice from certain areas contains more arsenic than others. You can read the consumer report here published last month:
#3 Limit your exposure to aflatoxin
Know your carcinogens. Aflatoxin is one of them as I learned in pathophysiology. Aflatoxin is and I quote “. . .toxic and among the most carcinogenic substances known.” Aflatoxin is primarily found in corn, cottonseed oil and nuts with peanuts at high risk for developing this fungus due to being grown low to the ground where moisture may collect. Aflatoxin has also been found in dairy because cows are now fed corn (GMO by the way) and this comes from huge stockpiles where this fungus is able to breed abundantly before being fed to the cows. The best way to avoid aflatoxin is by eating nuts immediately and not storing them. Do not buy nuts in bulk. Limit eating peanut butter that comes from moist climates. Peanuts grown in hot dry climates like New Mexico are best and a nut butter from that region is available called Amaranth peanut butter but it is expensive. I recommend a switch to other nuts if possible, limiting exposure to peanuts, corn and cottonseed oil. Cottonseed oil is often found on the ingredients label in cans of nuts. Finally, do not consume dairy for this and a host of other reasons.
#4 Know your carcinogens: the most recent government report is below but I will list and explain important ones
#5 Limit exposure to acrylamide
Acrylimide is formed when certain foods are cooked at high temperatures or are browned. Foods which contain high amounts are coffee (because the beans have been roasted brown), any bread products that have been browned or toasted such as cold cereal, toast – the darker the more acrylamide forms, and in particular the french fry and the baked potato. How to avoid acrylamide? Try not toasting your bread or only toasting it lightly. Make your own cereal or limit cereal or eat hot cereal instead such as oatmeal. Cut the crusts off – a nice throw back to when we were kids. Finally never eat or limit eating a potato that has been cooked above 248 degrees. Potatoes are not off the menu because you can still boil them or steam them or eat them a soup. Makes me feel like LOTR “Boil ’em, mash ’em, stick ’em in a stew” but in all actuality it is very good advice!
Here is a link to more on acrylamide:
#6 Never eat a french fry
Or at least limit your eating of french fries and all fried foods. I learned in my pathophysiology class that the heating and reheating of oil is carcinogenic. I have not found research to completely back this up so I would be open to opinions on this. But combine this with the fact that a french fry is already a high fat food that also contains high levels of acrylamide I don’t need to confirm this as true in order to take them off my menu. Just don’t eat fried food for the reasons we know not to already.
#7 Do not drink alchohol
Or if you do, never drink more than one drink. A research study took non-drinkers who had never drank and had them consume just 2 alcoholic beverage servings per day. In less than one week tests showed they were already showing signs of fat in their liver that was not there before. I learned this in my pathophysiology class. I don’t have the study on hand and would love to find it. The truth is that you can drink more and be fine, a lot more. But liver disease can creep up with no warning meaning you can lose close to 90% of your liver function before you feel sick or have any signs or symptoms. In other words by the time you sense something is wrong, it is too late. Liver disease may be reversible but not if it has gone this far. There are many other health reasons for not drinking alcohol that we are already aware of.
#8 Do not take supplements
Supplements are not regulated by the FDA. Anyone can bottle a pill and sell it. The FDA does not step in until after injury or death has occurred. These companies self regulate and the ingredients are not checked for validity or potency.
Supplements are not needed. If you need a supplement due to a medical or health reason then that is outside the realm on the subject of a healthy diet and I am not speaking of medical concerns here. If you are taking a supplement because you think you are low in something, which you are probably not, then the appropriate course of action is to eat the food containing that nutrient. Studies show that nutrients packaged in food are safer and more bioavailable than those packaged in a pill. As well they contain substances vital to the nutrients not packaged in the pill. Natural whole foods contain the nutrients in the proper dosage. Most supplements boast an amount hundreds or thousands of times more than what is recommended. The results of this will be negative. Your body will have to get rid of it thus taxing your system. If it is fat soluble you could actually poison yourself. And if you have cancer the excess nutrients may be diverted to the cancer which has obvious negative implications. I learned this last fact in pathophysiology.
# 9 Limit exposure to fats
In particular any fat that is solid or semi solid at room temperature. These include animal fats therefore the eating of any ‘meat’ except for certain marine life, margarine, coconut oil, and hydrogenated oils. When buying nut butters only buy the kind that has the oil sitting in liquid form on the top. If that isn’t there then they have most likely used a hydrogenated oil which is solid at room temperature. These fats contribute to LDL cholesterol and atherosclerosis. When buying oils remember that these are highly processed. Try to only buy oils that are minimally processed such as extra virgin olive oil. Olive oils may be mixed with other oils and are not obliged to tell you this. Buy from a reputable source. I only buy California Ranch Olive Oil, the first press. I also buy organic sunflower oil.
# 10 Do not eat simple sugars
Eat complex carbohydrates instead. Simple sugars may cause tissues to become insulin resistant. This is how adult type II diabetes forms. Opt for whole grains as often as possible and avoid sugary treats. When sugar is mandatory choose a natural unprocessed sugar. Local maple syrup is a good choice. It contains vitamins and minerals and the only processing from tree to bottle is boiling.
#11 Do not foods that contain toxins such as mercury as well as antibiotics, steroids, growth hormone and feces
Foods that contain these are fish with regard to toxins and farmed animals with regard to the rest.
Here is the quick list:
Do not eat or limit consumption of:
Corn, soy, canola, cottonseed oil, beets, sugar, ‘ose’ ingredients unless those ingredients are labeled organic
Rice – white is ok in moderation from certain areas
Old nuts and corn
Peanuts – unless grown in dry climate
Cold store bought cereals, toast (the lighter the better), crust, coffee, potatoes unless boiled or steamed
Processed fats (all oils except virgin pressed)
Fats that are solid at room temperature (butter, margarine, peanut butter with hydrogenated oil, coconut oil, meat, mayonnaise)
Simple sugars/white processed sugars
Next post is about what TO eat and ideas for recipes, dining out, holidays etc.
Filed under: 2012 Blog: Many posts writen prior to finding veganism, Journal Tagged: acrylamide, aflatoxin, alcohol, animal rights. animal, anitbiotics, artherosclerosis, beet, best diet, cancer, canola, carcinogen, corn, cottonseed oil, dairy, diabetes, factory farm, farmed animal, fast food, fatty liver, feces, fish, food, genetically modfied organism, GMO, growth hormone, healthiest diet, healthy diet, heart disease, liver, maple syrup, mercury, milk, nutrition, olive oil, organic, ose, poison, soy, steroids, sugar, vegan